
"Pasta alla norma"

-        1 cipolla-        10 foglie circa di basilico fresco-        2 melanzane-        pepe q.b.-        Olio extravergine d'oliva q.b.-        800 gr. di pomodori pelati-        200 gr. di ricotta salata-        sale grosso q.b.-        400 gr. di pasta (libera scelta)-        Tempo: 15 min per la preparazione + 35 min per la cottura Per preparare il sugo iniziate soffriggendo una cipolla tritata in una casseruola grande, dopodiché aggiungete i pelati, aggiungete sale e pepe a piacere e fate cuocere tenendo sotto controllo la densità del sugo. Lavate e sbucciate le melanzane, tagliatele a fette sottili e mettetele in uno scolapasta e cospargetele con del sale grosso. Coprite ora con un piatto e lasciate che le melanzane perdano il loro liquido e dopo circa un'ora sciacquatele sotto acqua corrente e asciugatele. Procedete friggendo le fettine di melanzane utilizzando abbondante olio extravergine. Terminata la cottura asciugatele con della carta assorbente e aggiungete un pizzico di sale. Mettete ora a cuocere la pasta e grattugiate la ricotta salata. Tagliate a strisce le melanzane e aggiungetele al sugo che avete preparato, al quale aggiungerete le foglie di basilico tritate. Scolate la pasta e mettetela nella padella dove avete cotto il sugo, dopodiché impiattate e decorate i vostri piatti lasciandovi ispirare dalla fantasia.
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"La maschera dei desideri"

La più allegra festa Carnevale c'è, come non fare una torta per questo avvenimento favoloso? J mano strumenti cos? ho fatto questa torta che mi dà gioia, ma sempre con eleganza, che non pu? e non deve mancare mai!La base è fatta con Pan di Spagna ricetta trovata qui, farcito con crema al pistacchio e bagna al limoncello.Rivestito con pasta di zucchero, trovato qui.Mentre la maschera che ho creato con la pasta di gomma, un primo piano non poteva mancare!
E infine toccare, anziché i soliti coriandoli una boccata di cibo foglia oro!
Spero che vi piaccia e buon Carnevale a tutti.

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"Frittelle di mele"

Le frittelle di mele sono un gustosissimo dolce, originario dell’Alto Adige. Adorate dai bambini, le frittelle di mele vengono preparate soprattutto in occasione delle feste di compleanno e delle ricorrenze speciali. Le frittelle di mele, con l’aggiunta della frutta, sono un’originale variante delle classiche frittelle. Provate a realizzare le frittelle di mele: la ricetta è semplice e veloce e pu? essere preparata anche in anticipo.Sbattete, avvalendovi di uno sbattitore, i tuorli delle uova e il latte all’interno di una terrina. Aggiungete un pizzico di sale, la vanillina e la farina setacciata e amalgamate il tutto al fine di ottenere un composto omogeneo e denso che lascerete riposare per circa 30 minuti coprendolo. Montate a neve gli albumi insieme a 20 grammi di zucchero e uniteli al composto mescolando il tutto con una spatola di legno e procedendo con movimenti dal basso verso l’alto. Tagliate le mele a fettine sottili di circa ½ centimetro, dopo averle lavate, asciugate e sbucciate. Irrorate le fettine di mele con il succo di limone per evitare che si anneriscano, dopodiché tamponatele con la carta assorbente e zuccheratele. Immergete ora le fettine di mele zuccherate nel composto in precedenza preparato per poi sistemarle in un recipiente con dell’olio di semi per la frittura. Friggete a 180° le frittelle di mele e fatele dorare su entrambi i lati. A questo punto, fate scolare le frittelle su della carta assorbente da cucina al fine di farle liberare dell’olio in eccesso. Per concludere, spolverizzate le vostre frittelle di mele con dello zucchero e servite calde!Si consiglia di friggere non più di tre o quattro frittelle per volta, al fine di controllare meglio la cottura. Le frittelle di mele non si devono annerire e la temperatura dell’olio, pertanto, non deve essere ne troppo fredda ne troppo calda.
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"Concorso Natale che storia"

Giorni fa ho trovato nella mia casella di posta un’email, la quale mi parlava di questo bellissimo concorso letterario.Sapete la mia forte passione per la scrittura. JE allora appena, avuto un attimo di tempo per scrivere, di corsa nel mio mondo fatato, a stendere un racconto che vi farà emozionare…Sono cos? felice il mio racconto è stato pubblicato. Ora mi serve il vostro aiuto amici, J apriate il collegamento e regalatemi un piccolissimo voto.Sperando che vi coinvolga e vi piaccia!Grazie di cuore e Buon Natale a tutti!
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"Pan di Spagna"

Morbido e arioso, deve essere alla base delle nostre creazioni.Delizia gli occhi e il palato con deliziose creme combinati!Oggi parlo di questa base che ha pochissimi ingredienti, una ricetta davvero semplice, con pochi passi è possibile creare un'opera d'arte della pasticceria!Il segreto del successo è di abbracciare l'aria, come? Lavoro di fare un sacco di zucchero con le uova e un pizzico di sale, montare, montare fino a quando il composto è bello, gonfio e raddoppiato di volume. In pratica, sollevando le ciglia e di caduta, deve rimanere sulla superficie per pochi secondi, poi è pronta a continuare.Un'altra cosa importante, le uova non devono essere freddo di frigorifero, ma devono essere utilizzate a temperatura ambiente.Dopo aver montato il composto uovo-zucchero, lasciare il frullatore e munendoti di una spatola mescolare farina setacciata, è essenziale mescolare delicatamente dal basso verso l'alto in questo modo non smontare.Altri consigli mai aprire la porta del forno durante la cottura, il dolce perderebbe la sua morbidezza!comunque per vedere che se è cotta alla fine del tempo basta inserire uno stuzzicadenti, se è asciutto, spegnere e lasciar raffreddare nel forno, se è umido e appiccicoso, aggiungere un paio di minuti di cottura.
Una cucchiaiata di rum.In forno a 180° statico fino a doratura!

Arrivederci a presto con altre ricette e torte buone a tutti J
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" Cupcake dell'Amore"

Lo so bisogna regalare dolcezza in qualsiasi momento dell’anno, del giorno, continuamente in ogni attimo e in ogni dove! Oggi per? è l’eccellenza, la magia J si lasciano gli impegni fuori dalla porta e si trascorre la serata con la dolce metà…Quel sentimento puro è tanto bello, che solo chi vede oltre riesce a far crescere!Non è necessario fare regali sontuosi, basta un sorriso, un bacio, una semplice carezza, giusto per far evincere alla persona amata quanto sia importante nella vostra vita!Per vari impegni avevo deciso di non pubblicare oggi, ma avevo una gran voglia di urlare al mondo intero che basta un Ti Amo detto col cuore e guardarsi negli occhi, che tutti i problemi scompaiono…Cosi ho preparato questi fantastici Cupcake, dalla morbidezza sconvolgente, proprio come dev’essere l’amore J morbido e unico e leggero.Questa ricetta me l’ha regalata mia cognata Gianna J visitate il suo blog, ove ha inserito la ricetta passo passo ;) è poi è di una bravura… JVediamo cosa ci occorre per poterli realizzare:120 gr di burro a temperatura ambiente3 cucchiai di cacao amaro in polvere Un cucchiaio di sciroppo di menta Mezza bustina di lievito per dolci.Con una spatola lavorate il burro e lo zuccherofino ad amalgamarli completamente.Miscelare insieme tutti gli ingredienti secchi (farina, lievito, cacao)e unirli al composto di burro e zucchero insieme alle uova, continuando a mescolare fino a ottenere un composto omogeneo.Aggiungere infine il latte con lo sciroppo di menta e mescolare il tutto. Mettere dei pirottini per capcake e riempirli per circa ¾. Infornare a 180 gradi, fino a cottura.300 gr di formaggio fresco e morbido,E confetti ovviamente rossi, per decorare.Monti la panna, in un'altra ciotola v’inserisci il mascarpone, il formaggio morbido e amalgami, aggiungi lo zucchero a velo e l’estratto di vaniglia, a questo punto il frosting è pronto per decorare i capcake.
Che dirvi di più sono davvero piacevoli al palato e perché no anche alla vista!
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"Insalata di pollo"

La ricetta per un’insalata di pollo semplice, fresca e nutriente, ideale per il periodo estivo. Pu? essere servita sia come antipasto che come secondo. Penso che in questo periodo non sarebbe male!Questa insalata, che ha la carne di pollo come alimento principale, pu? essere preparata in modi e ingredienti diversi in base alla propria fantasia e gusti.300 g di petto di pollo a fettineCuocete il pollo sulla bistecchiera, poi tagliatelo a striscioline. Mondate l’insalata e tagliatela se le sue foglie risultano troppo grandi. Condite il pollo con succo di limone, origano, olio, sale e peperoncino, poi mescolatelo con l’insalata e il sedano a tocchetti e aggiungete nuovamente olio e sale. Unite le olive denocciolate e l’insalata è pronta.Non abbondate con il limone, che rischia di opprimere il sapore del pollo.Invece delle olive, potete variare mettendo nell’insalata dei chicchi d’uva bianca e nera.
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"Gamberi al forno"

Note aggiuntive: + 12 ore per la marinatura per assaggiare il brandy 125 ml di olio di oliva (Coppa,5) qui è una ricetta per grandi occasioni: i gamberoni al forno! Una deliziosa varietà di sicuro impatto, ma preparazione rapida, cos? che si pu? godere la serata con i vostri ospiti invece di essere costretti ad per andare via a stare ai fornelli.

Dopo il lavaggio il jumbo gamberetti sotto acqua corrente, incideteli lungo la parte posteriore e togliere il filo nero perché darebbe un sapore amaro ai crostacei.

Fatto con aglio e prezzemolo tritato, aggiungere un po' di olio, un pizzico di sale, brandy e chiedetevi marinare i gamberetti per circa 2 ore.

Trascorso il tempo di sistemare il pesce su una teglia da forno, decorare con la salsa che hai usato per la marinatura e cuocere in forno già caldo a 180° C per circa 10-15 minuti. Servire i gamberi al forno su un vassoio che serve distribuendo sopra la loro cottura.

Se si preferisce, si possono anche sgranare i gamberi: facendo cos? sarà certamente essere più facile da godere, anche se esso subirà l'effetto, che porterà alla tabella i crostacei con loro carapace.

Idee e varianti:
Invece di brandy è possibile utilizzare il bianco vino, whisky o aggiungere succo di limone o lime. Per una variante ancora più colorato e fresco è possibile distribuire su gamberoni pomodoro tagliato a dadini.

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Buy cheap 50% off swtor credits at on 2014 April Fools'Day (swtor credits)

Happy April Fools' Day in advance, everyone! April Fools' Day is an annual event that occurs on April 1 every year. Though it is not a national holiday, it is widely recognised and celebrated in various countries as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other. Swtor2credits is honored to inform you all that we would like to celebrate this festival together with you all.

Why not celebrate April Fools' Day with swtor2credits?

For this upcoming April Fools' Day, swtor2credits has a crazy discount activity. There are no less than 20 discount codes ranged from 0 to 50% off as a whole. All codes are listed on the following banner, everyone is free to apply them to their order when they buy swtor credits or other swtor products at swtor2credits. All these discount codes are available to be applied to your orders only on April 1st, 00:00 to April 2nd 23:59, GMT.

Terms and notes:

1. All codes are set by different discounts, from 0 up to 50% off.
2. The length of the discount code is varied, but every single discount code is written together.
3. You need to seize time to grab the bigger discount, because the numbers of the bigger discounts are limited.

4. Codes above 30% off are available only for orders priced 30$ and above.
5. There are a few ones which are directed to the April Fools. May you not fooled by these tricks.
6. As long as the numbers of a discount code meet its total using times, this discount will be invalid to be applied to your order.
7. You can interchange with other players or our reps on swtor2credits facebook about these discount codes.

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Come to buy swtor credits pay by paypal no conformation any more on April Fools' Day with Discount Code up to 50% off for Buying Cheap Swtor Credits at
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Buy a racing simulator to enjoy the thrills of real-life car racing (Axel Price)

Everyday new games are being introduced in the video gaming world. Just as you enjoy playing tennis with a joystick and have the feeling of playing the game on the court, you can consider playing racing simulator games to have the real-life racing track experience. As you sit in the car simulator and see your vehicle going round the racing track, you feel overwhelmed. If you are fond of car racing, you will definitely enjoy racing games. Professional drivers often use the racing simulators for driver training. There is no doubt about the fact that you will undergo hours of fun and enjoyment while using the racing simulators. Most of the gaming consoles that are available now come with a car game simulator.

The advanced racing simulator programs provide the players with the edge in an excellent manner. In some racing simulators, the players have can change the texture of the track. In these simulators, the players get an inside view of a racing cockpit that enables them to drive easily and maintain full control over the steering wheel.

Racing can turn out to be dangerous, posing threat to lives with crashes and at times, casualties. However, the ones playing racing simulators enjoy all the thrills, fun, and excitement associated with real life car racing but they have no risk of accidents or death.

While playing a racing simulator game, you should also have the appropriate hardware. All aspects associated with car driving are covered by the software in these games. All the racing simulator games cover various aspects associated with car driving, like applying breaks properly and taking turns without losing speed.

When you visit a shop for buying racing simulator software, you can purchase the software that provides the car models of your choice and at the same time a couple of popular racing events. Using the software along with your simulator cockpit will allow you to thrills of real-life race driving at the comfort of your home. No matter what command you input in the racing simulator, the software will respond similarly as a real car will to the driver's actions.

The racing simulator games have seats that are very much similar to the ones in real racing cars. The simulator seats are equipped with sliders so that the player can adjust his position comfortably. The slider also enables the player to recline, if necessary, while playing. The hardware units are equipped with frames on which the gear lever and the steering wheel are mounted and they together offer similar environment of real-life racing cars. Even the pedals in the racing simulators resemble the ones in real-life racing cars. To installation of speaker system can add to the real-life experience offered by racing simulators.

Now, the question is, how to get a high-quality racing simulator. You can search the internet to find out a reliable online store offering racing games. If you browse through the product gallery of the chosen website, you will be able to track the model you always wanted. Apart from the entire racing simulator, you will be able to find seats and optional add-ons that will ameliorate your gaming experience.

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Buy FIFA Ultimate Team Coins (Bayer Charlie)

The game which has taken the gaming world by storm is FIFA 2014, the most recent popular FIFA games series from EA. This game is primarily being meant for iOS and Android users which they can play for free. It has also been released in all major gaming consoles including Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2 and Wii during September 24, 2013. So if you have one of those gaming consoles with you, you can enter the gaming zone without any issue.

FIFA Ultimate Team
This time EA has come up with exciting The FIFA Ultimate Team or FUT game mode specifically for the Xbox One. The exclusive feature for ultimate team will be known as 'Legends', where classic players from previous genre of football from Pele and others can be taken into team. And they have also decided to reintroduce the single match, enabling users to play a single match which won't affect tournaments or seasons. Also users can now search players by their name and if needed can be transferred to market from the squad screen. Moreover there are more features likely to be added i.e. edit kit numbers, player role for free kicks and corners. Another significant change that you will see is carry over coins and points from Xbox 360 to Xbox One, and from PS3 to PS4.

Why you need Points
So if you are a FIFA freak this is your best time to try out this game and all those excitement. And in order to play the game and improve your chance of winning you will need FIFA 14 coins. With help of coins it is possible to get best game start which is essential for you to win comprehensively. As you can see you need to get coins in order to give your team a head start over other team or player. And if you want to play smart, coins are your only way to do it.

Now that you are aware about the importance of The FIFA 14 coins, you should also know how it to utilize it in a proper way. It acts as your virtual currency in this game using which can use to trade players around the world. They are your way to purchase some of the talented players to help your team to win on a constant basis. After you have bought FIFA coins, it will help you to improve your contacts, fitness and formation needs. You can also increase your bench strength by buying players like Rooney or Messi using these points. This is a definite way to remove all kinds of troubles and will also provide you such facilities to make progress and win the game conveniently.

Do you enjoy playing FIFA 14? Fifa coins is the key and essential to get a clear head start over other players in the league.
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Battles take place in a strategy mode (Guild Black)

The plot is not entirely novel: the gods of Agarest are at war, between the light and dark sides. Sieghardt is a captain for the forces of light whose goal is to end the war so people can live in peace. His life is saved by a mysterious girl, who transfers her power to him in the process, and their fates become tied together. The story reaches a point where Sieghardt is unable to continue and the burden falls onto his son Leonis. Leonis' appearance, weapon of choice and stats will vary, depending upon which girl his father marries, the choices you make throughout the game, and what stats you chose for Sieghardt at the start. In a way, when you create Sieghardt, you're also starting to shape Leonis, so forethought is an asset from the get-go.

The actual gameplay consists of three components: exploration, battle and events. Exploration takes place on the world map where you can save your game, customise your characters (e.g. stats, weapons, skills and accessories), change formation and which units are in battle (up to 6 characters). Remember to drop into towns, as they have shops, the occasional event, and sometimes 'vacation days'. Vacation days are exactly how they sound: a break from travelling and war for you and your battle-weary character. Points you receive from certain story events determine how many conversations you can have in a vacation day. You then pick areas from a list to explore with the hope that there is someone of importance to talk to. These vacation days aren't necessary for story-line and are only there for fun, but are nice little breaks that often bring a laugh or two.

Battles take place in a strategy mode not unlike Final Fantasy Tactics, where your characters fight on a grid whose size and shape are determined by starting formation (unless the story calls for a fixed grid). Events progress the story, unlock new areas or pictures for your gallery, change the affection of the women, or just give you a good laugh. All three aspects seem to be balanced so as not to get monotonous, though I did find one point of the game to be extremely battle heavy.Battling is slightly complex, and as with most of these games there is a learning curve. Each turn is set into two phases: movement, where you move your characters into different positions and have them face a direction; and action, where you use abilities on enemies within range. At the start of each turn, all characters gain AP (action points) which allows you to move and use items or abilities.

Each Skill has its own AP count, as well as skill type like basic, fire, thunder, power, etc. Enemies can absorb certain skill types, yet there is no way of knowing who absorbs what, which I find terribly annoying as it broke my strategy more than once. Strangely, there is no simple attack option, as each skill is either an attack, a magic, or a heal/buff that has its own range that the enemy must be in for it to be used (unless you're in an Extended Area). Each character has a formation around them called an Extended Area, and if an ally is within this area you can attack a target regardless of attack or weapon range; it also allows you to string large combos between characters and enables you to combine certain abilities into larger more powerful ones. There are also your willpowers, which are character-unique buffs which remain active at all times (such as not taking magic damage when under 25% HP).

Interesting enough, the first game is actually included in Agarest Zero. To play it, you need to unlock it by completing a play-through in Zero and loading the extra mode (which is a harder version of Zero). Unfortunately, it is only a digest version of the game where every choice is made for you towards the canon ending. You still play through all five original generations, but everything is extremely limited; you can't choose which woman to 'breed' with nor which paths to take, and battles will only occur if they are story related. Furthermore, each generation is unlocked at certain points as you progress in the Extra Mode, making the Original game more of a flash-forward/foretelling, rather than a game to play through in its entirety.

Now let's be honest, Agarest Zero's graphics could have been done on earlier platforms. In fact, it looks much like Xenogears. Battles, the world map, and some events are done with sprites. Not exactly ground breaking beauty, but strangely it works quite well and feels in no way out of place. It actually gives a nostalgic feeling of playing an older game while in battles and the feeling of watching a play during events. A standard event looks like a combination between manga and anime: Two characters, drawn in an anime style, share text back and forth. With the push of the start button, the text will progress automatically with the voice acting, so you don't have to constantly press the A button to continue.

However, sometimes the text scrolls through faster than you can read. Only two characters are shown on screen at a time, and if a third needs to speak then one of the first two is replaced by the new character. Stances never change, but the facial expressions are more dynamic. This might have been boring after a while, but the game saves itself by having 2D characters that are lifelike, in that they breathe, shift their eyes, move their mouths and even adjust their expressions in real time. Any event where multiple characters need to be present, or movement/combat is involved, it uses the same sprite characters similar to battles. The character design is pretty great, no one seems to look ridiculous or out of place. Its graphics overall are nothing powerful, but it's made to look old-fashioned rather than high-tech.

The game series is sometimes labelled as being erotic, but most of this comes from some of the female outfits and sexual innuendo throughout. There are some unlockable gallery pictures that are pushing limits (but still no nudity), so keep little eyes and hands away from this game. Some character designs seem to outright copy the original though, which seems a little cheap to me. Unfortunately, the digest version of Agarest War does not use the living art effect and uses simple pictures. While this was to be expected, it would have been nice to see the original artwork redone to match the new game.

When it comes to the voices, all are done in Japanese. I would have liked the option to choose between either an English or Japanese voice cast, because even though some English voiceovers can be flat out terrible, constant reading can be just as annoying. Battle banter, on the other hand, has no subtitles, so it's your best guess as to what they say. Although this lacking isn't a game breaker, it feels very overlooked or ignored. Sound effects, while they do their job, can be wildly out of place or a complete mismatch (for example, someone taking a drink sounds like a large water drop in an echoing cavern). There is only one draw weapon sound, and when more than one character does it at a time it creates an irritating echo. The sound effects could have and really should have been a lot better.

The soundtrack is actually quite lovely, combining pretty orchestral pieces, some upbeat jazzy riffs, and some interesting rock battle themes. However, it can be a little repetitive, seeing as you get the same world map theme for the entire game. While Agarest Zero's soundtrack isn't all that bad, its downfall is that it's pretty much all a revamp of the first game. Great the first time, but I found myself turning on a playlist from my PC while playing long periods of time.All in all, Record of Agarest War Zero was a great game that I enjoyed very much. It took all of the amazing things from the first game, expanded upon them and made them better. It's a very long game, one that took me a bit more than a month to get through, so get ready for a long haul. I wasn't blown away or awe struck from it, and it had some rough spots, but it was a game I could just sit back and enjoy. Hopefully it's picked up enough of a following that its sequel, Record of Agarest War 2, can hit North America as well! The game is available for the PS3 and the Xbox 360.

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